Takatomi Kubo
About me
I am an associate professor of the Mathematical Informatics Laboratory, NAIST in Ikoma, Japan.
I'm managing an unofficial research unit, "MIND" (mechanism of intelligence in neural dynamics).
I hope to bridge information technology, neuroscience, and medicine
since I used to be a medical doctor (neurology).What's New!
November 10, 2021Biography
Research interests
- Neurology: speech disorder (dysarthria, aphasia), consciousness disorder
- Bio-medical engineering (neuroengineering, prediction of onset of heat stroke)
- Brain machine interface
- (computational) neuroscience: speech, memory, hippocampus, neurogenesis
- Machine learning: time-series modeling, neural network (deep learning, recurrent neural network), Bayesian non-parametrics,
manifold learning, active learning - Misc.: dynamic network, cyclic graph, structure learning, causal inference, conditional independence
Research projects in ResearchGatePublication list
- Please visit my profile in Google Scholar for my research publication.
- A column on ''Wind God and Thunder God'' drawn by Soutatsu Tawaraya
in "Geijutsu-Shinchou" (Apr. 2014)http://www.shinchosha.co.jp/mailmag/geishin/sample.html
- April 2009 - March 2012 : Doctoral student in Theoretical Life-Science Lab., Graduate School of Information Science, NAIST, Nara, Japan. Ph. D. in engineering, 2012.
- April 2010 - March 2011 : Research student in Human Brain Research Center, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan.
- May 2009 - Februray 2010: Completed “Human Resource Development Program for Medical Device Development Coordinators” organized by Kobe University and Kyoto University, Japan in 2010.
- April 1996 - March 2002 : Faculty of Medicine, Osaka University, Osaka Prefecture, Japan. Bachelor's degree in medicine, 2002.
Work history
- August 2015 - present: Research associate professor at Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Nara, Japan
- April 2012 - July 2015: Assistant professor at Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Nara, Japan
- April 2011 - March 2013: Part-time lecturer at Osaka Electro-Communication University, Osaka, Japan
- May 2002 - August 2006: Medical doctor (neurology)
Award (academic)
- 2014: Excellent research award of Japanese Neural Network Society
Award (non-academic activity)
- 2006: 3rd place of Japan Doctor's Basketball Festival
- 2002: Medical doctor
US 9,111,400 B2 - 発明の名称 :異常運転行動検出装置
登録日 :2016/12/2
登録番号 :特許第6047708号
発明者 :坂東 誉司,江川 万寿三,久保 孝富,濱田 龍之介,池田 和司
© 2017